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Sterile disposable syringes without needle

3 pieces

The wide range of capacities of this series of sterile plastic syringes meet the needs of safety and precision even in the case of high volumes to inject.

The 20 and 50/60 ml syringes are also available on request in the amber version, to guarantee the protection of light-sensitive drugs.

The 100 ml syringe is supplied with a removable Luer adapter, inserted in the shaft.

General Syringe Specifications
Sterile medical device, single use.
The transparency of the cylinder allows the control of the mixing, the possible presence of air bubbles and a correct dosage.
The graduated scale is printed in black ink to make it easier to read.
The use of medical grade silicone ensures smooth and safe sliding of the piston.
The handle according to EN ISO 7886-1 allows for easy handling.
Luer and Luer Lock connections comply with the requirements of EN ISO 80369-7.

Different connections:
Central or Eccentric Luer Cone
Cone Luer Lock provides tight and reliable connections.
Cone Catheter allows the connection of tubes.

Component Specifications
Cylinder: clear polypropylene with plunger retention ring.
Rod: opaque polypropylene.
Piston: non-toxic synthetic rubber, with two sealing rings.
Luer adapter (100ml capacity only): transparent polypropylene.
Lubricant: silicone for medical use.
Graduation scale: according to EN ISO 7886-1.
Blister (sterile barrier system): medical paper - plastic film.

Method of sterilization
10% ethylene oxide + 90% CO2; cycle validated according to EN ISO 11135.

Medical Device with CE mark.
Cod. CND A020102010202

Code Description Capacity ml Cone Pieces per pack Packaging
4371002 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 1 ml - Luer Lock cone 1 Luer Lock 100 20x100
4373000 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 2.5 ml - Luer cone 2.5 Caps 100 20x100
4375000 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 5 ml - Luer cone 5 Hats 100 16x100
4375002 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 5 ml - Luer Lock cone 5 Luer Lock 100 16x100
4376000 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 10 ml - central Luer cone 10 Luer central 100 10x100
4376002 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 10 ml - central Luer Lock cone 10 Luer Lock central 100 10x100
4377001 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 20 ml - eccentric Luer cone 20 Eccentric Luer 80 10x80
4377002 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 20 ml - central Luer Lock cone 20 Luer Lock central 50 6x50
4378000 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 30 ml - eccentric Luer cone 30 Eccentric Luer 80 4x80
4378002 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 30 ml - central Luer lock cone 30 Luer Lock central 80 4x80
4379000 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 60 ml - eccentric Luer cone 60 Eccentric Luer 60 4x60
4379002 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 60 ml - central Luer Lock cone 60 Luer Lock central 60 4x60
4379007 Sterile disposable syringes without needle cap. 100 ml - catheter cone 100 Catheter 50 1x50


Via Duino 140
10127 Torino Italy
Tel. +39 011 3160808
Fax +39 011 3160753
PEC pec@pec.enrico-bruno.it
CF/P.IVA: 04891320014


For orders, prices requests and offers, technical service commerciale@enrico-bruno.it
For administration service amministrazione@enrico-bruno.it
For Direction – Purchase Department acquisti@enrico-bruno.it


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